Privacy Policy

Aela Design & Training OÜ respects your right to privacy, so we have created this Policy to inform and describe the data we collect about you, how we store them and how we process them to support the operations and resources offered by Aela.

This Privacy Policy applies to Websites, Blogs, Educational Platforms, and other communication channels owned by Aela and used by it, such as YouTube, Social Networks, etc., except when there is a specific term for that platform or channel.

Types of Information we collect

There are several ways we may collect information from or about you, including through information you provide to us directly; and information that we automatically or passively collect.

Information you provide

The personal information collected by Aela may include:

  • Name, postal address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address.

We may also collect information about you such as:

  • If you create an account – your username, password, and other demographic information that you provide.
  • If you take a survey or interact with us in various other ways – demographics information that you provide and information about subjects that may interest you.
  • If you connect your account to another service such as LinkedIn or Twitter, the other service may send us your registration or profile information on that service that you authorize. This information enables cross-platform data sharing to improve your user experience.

Information we automatically collect

Whenever you visit or interact with the site, we, as well as any third-party advertisers and/or service providers, may use cookies, web beacons, local shared objects (Flash Cookies), or other technologies to automatically or passively collect information about your online activity and website use information.

Please note that we automatically collect the following information about you:

  • Website Use Information. We may automatically collect website use information when you visit our site. This may include information about your Internet service provider, your operating system, browser type, domain name, Internet protocol (IP) address, your access times, the website that referred you to us, the Web pages you request, and the date and time of those requests.
  • Third Party Service Providers. We may use third party service providers to support our website. Some of these service providers may use technology such as cookies, web beacons, pixel tags, log files, or Flash cookies to receive, collect, and store information.
  • Third-Party Analytic Technologies. We may use third parties’ analytics and tracking tools to better understand who is using the website, how people are using the website, how to improve the effectiveness of the website, our services, and related content, to help us or those third parties serve more targeted advertising to you across the Internet, and to allow “Like” buttons and “Share” buttons to work. These tools may use technology such as cookies, web beacons, pixel tags, log files, Flash cookies, HTML5 cookies, or other technologies to automatically collect and store certain information. They may also combine information they collect from your interaction with the website with information they collect from other sources. We do not have access to or control over, these third parties’ use of cookies or other tracking technologies.

Information collected from other sources

We may acquire information from other trusted sources to update or supplement the information that you provide or that we collect automatically. We may use this information to help us maintain the accuracy of the information we collect, to target our communications so that we can inform you of products, services, or other offers that may be of interest to you, and for internal business analysis or other business purposes.

Combination of information

We may combine the information we receive from and about you, including information you provide to us and information we automatically collect through our online services, as well as information collected offline, across other computers or devices that you may use, and from third party sources.

Personal Information and content you provide to us

To provide some of our products and services, we may need some personally identifiable information that you agree we may collect, use, and retain in accordance with this Privacy Policy, our Terms of Use, and as permitted or required by law. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not provide us with any personally identifiable data.

If you refuse to give your approval or decide to withdraw it, choosing not to provide any necessary data, we may not be able to provide you with the related products and services.

How long is personal information retained for?

We will keep your personal data for as long as we need it for the purpose it is being processed for. For example, we will retain your information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services; and after that, we will keep the personal information for a reasonable period of time, which enables us to handle or respond to any complaints, queries or concerns relating to your account.

About cookies

When using or interacting with an Aela product or service, Aela may collect information about your interactions, the services you use and how you use them. Information collected may include; device information, location information, unique application ID’s, cookies and similar technologies.

Aela may store some information on your computer. This information will be in the form of a “Cookie” or similar file and will help us and our customer in many ways. A Cookie is an element of data that a website can send to your browser, which may then store the Cookie on your hard drive. If a Cookie is stored on your computer’s hard drive, the next time you visit the same website, we can recognize you. For example, Cookies are used to better match your interests and preferences. With most Internet browsers, you can erase Cookies from your computer hard drives, block all Cookies, or receive a warning before a Cookie is stored. Please refer to your browser instructions or help screen to learn more about these functions. Note that certain website functionality may not work if Cookies are blocked. For more information on Cookies, please read our Cookies Policy.

You are responsible for controlling how and whether your internet browser accepts cookies. Most browsers provide instructions on refusing cookies. However, if you decline our cookies, many functions and conveniences of our website may not function properly.

About devices and third-party agents

We may combine the information we receive from and about you, including information you provide to us and information we automatically collect through our online services, as well as information collected offline, across other computers or devices that you may use, and from third party sources. For example, we might use information collected about how you use our product on your phone to better personalize the content (including advertisements) or features you see when you interact with our products on another device, such as your laptop or tablet.

The information we obtain from these devices may include:

Device Attributes: information about the operating system, hardware and software versions, browser type, application and plugin names, and types.

Device Operations: information about operations and behaviors performed on the device, such as whether a window is in the foreground or background or cursor movements (which can help distinguish humans from bots).

Identifiers: unique identifiers, device IDs, other identifiers from games, apps, or accounts you use, and Device Family IDs.

Device Signals: Information about nearby Wi-Fi hotspots, beacons, and cell towers.

Device Settings Data: Information that you allow us to receive through the device settings that you enable.

Third-party and partner information ‍We may also receive personally identifiable data when you access or register with a third-party or partner website, such as Facebook. This may include text content and images of your personally identifiable data available from third-party services.

External Links We may provide links to websites operated by companies other than ours (Third Party Agents) that we believe may be of interest to you. We will not disclose your data to these parties’ services without your consent. We do not endorse and are not responsible for the privacy practices of Third-Party agents. If you choose to click on a link to one of these Third-Party websites, please review the Privacy Policy posted by them to understand how they collect and use your data.

How do we use your information?

We use the information we have as described below to provide and enable our Products/Services. See how:

To Provide, customize and improve our Products.

We use the information collected to offer and deliver our products and services, communicate with you, personalize features and content, and make suggestions for new content and products on and off our websites and platforms. Also, to create personalized products that are unique and relevant to you, we use your connections, preferences, activities, and interests based on the data you provide to us, which we collect and which we learn from you and others; how you use and interact with our products/services;

Information on Products/Services and Devices: We link information about your activities across different Products/Services and devices to provide a more personalized and consistent experience.

Location-related information: The information collected via IP addresses, are used to provide, personalize and improve our Products/Services, including advertisements.

Product Research and Development: We use the information collected to develop, test, and improve our Products/Services, including conducting polls and research and testing and troubleshooting new products and features.

Provide measurement, analytics, and other commercial services: We use the information collected (including your activity on other websites and the advertisements you see) to help us measure the effectiveness of our services and understand our users and how they interact with other websites applications and services.

Communicate with you. Aela uses the information collected to send you marketing communications and inform you of our policies and terms. We also use your information to respond when you contact us.

Research and innovation. ‍We use the information collected (including from research partners) to carry out and support innovation on topics related to technological advancement, public interest, career, labor market, wages, etc.

Does Aela share your information?

We do not share your personal information except in the limited circumstances described here. We may share your personal information with:

  • Third Party Service Providers: We may share your information with third party service providers that provide business, professional or technical support functions for us (including to the extent necessary or desirable to fulfill or ship your order or complete your transaction), help us operate our business and the website, or administer activities on our behalf. We do not sell, trade or rent your personally identifiable information collected on the site to others.
  • Selected Advertisers: We sometimes work with advertisers or other third parties to serve ads targeted to your interests, or to collect data for conversion tracking (that is, what actions you take after you click on an ad).We do on occasion provide magazine subscribers’ postal mailing addresses (but not your email address) to selected advertisers who wish to reach you by mail.
  • Legal Obligations; Safety: We may access and disclose your information to respond to subpoenas, judicial processes, or government requests and investigations, or in connection with an investigation on matters related to public safety, as permitted by law, or otherwise as required by law. We may disclose your information to protect the security of our site, servers, network systems, and databases. We also may disclose your information as necessary, if we believe that there has been a violation of our Terms of Use, any other legal document or contract related to our services, or the rights of any third party.
  • We may disclose the information to third parties when we believe in good faith that the law requires it (such as responding to a subpoena or court order).
  • We may disclose the information to third parties when we believe in good faith that such action is necessary to enforce any legal terms or conditions that may apply to usage of this website or our customer’s websites.
  • Sale or Transfer of Business or Assets: We may sell or purchase assets during the normal course of our business. If another entity acquires us or any of our assets, information we have collected about you may be transferred to such entity. In addition, if any bankruptcy or reorganization proceeding is brought by or against us, such information may be considered an asset of ours and may be sold or transferred to third parties. Should such a sale or transfer occur, we will use reasonable efforts to try to require that the transferee use personal information provided through our services in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy.
  • Aggregate or Anonymous Non-Personal Information: We may also share aggregate, anonymous, or de-identified non-personal information with third parties for their marketing or analytics uses.

We will have a lawful basis for processing your data if:

  • We need to process your information in order to provide you with the products or service you have requested or to enter into a contract;
  • You have consented to such processing;
  • We have a legitimate interest for processing your data – e.g., for fraud prevention; network and information systems security; data analytics; enhancing, modifying or improving our services; identifying usage trends; and/or
  • We are legally obliged to process it.

What are Your Rights and Choices?

Your Rights

We respect your privacy rights and provide you with reasonable access and rights to the personal data that you may have provided through your use of the website and services. You may update, amend, or delete your account information and/or preferences at any time by:

  • Following the opt-out instructions in promotional emails we send you.
  • Sending us an email with your solicitation to:


Upon written request and with consent from our customer, if applicable, Aela will take reasonable steps to permit you to correct, amend, or delete your personal information that is demonstrated to be inaccurate or incomplete.

Please note that if you make any changes or update your account, these will be reflected in active user databases within a reasonable period of time; however, we may retain certain data when we have a legal obligation or lawful basis to do so.

You may decline to share certain personal data with us, in which case we may not be able to provide to you some of the features and functionality of the website.

Protection of Minors’ Privacy

Aela believes in protecting the privacy of minors. In keeping with this belief, we do not knowingly collect or store on our website personally identifiable data from children under the age of 13. There are no products/services intended for people in this age group anywhere. If you are under thirteen, do not use or access this site at any time or in any way. We will take reasonable steps to erase any Personally Identifiable Information collected on our website from minors under 13 years old without verified parental consent after being made aware of this.

Modifications for the Privacy Policy

Aela reserves the rights to modify its privacy policy at any time and will notify you by posting an amendment to the privacy policy on our website. Such modifications will become effective on the day they are posted. Aela encourages you to frequently review the privacy policy for any modifications.

Last revision: August 18, 2024.

Usamos cookies para tornar o site da Aela um lugar melhor. Os cookies ajudam a fornecer uma experiência mais personalizada para você e análises da web para nós. Saiba mais.