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3 steps. 6-figures. thriving career

Design Sprint in Practice: Day 2 - Sketch

Felipe Guimaraes and Aela Team
Mar 17, 2021
minutes of reading
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In the previous article, we delved into the First day of Design Sprint, whose principle was to find the objective, the context and carry out research to help us find the best solution for a given problem.

Now, we are starting for the second day, with new dynamics, tools and challenges! Shall we go for it?

The second day of Design Sprint: sketch

Once we have defined which problem must be solved, we move on to the idea production part.

The second day of the Design Sprint is aimed at create ideas and expand horizons.

Therefore, it is very important in this phase Set aside judgments and keep an open mind to any and all ideas. Without criticism and looking at all possibilities.

To this end, we can divide the second day into two steps: Ideation and Voting.

Step 1: Ideation

First of all, it is important to understand that Ideation is different from Brainstorming.

While Brainstorming It has a concept of more open and unfocused idea creation, the Ideation is aimed at a purpose and resolution of a problem.

Therefore, we must never forget that the creation of ideas must be linked to the objective we want to achieve with the Design Sprint. Otherwise, the entire process may end up distorting and expectations will not be met.

Thus, the ideation step consists of Put it on paper all possible ideas to solve the problem.

Remembering that it is a time when There can be no prejudices or judgments. Therefore, if necessary, it is important to talk to the team members so that there is this alignment.

The participation of everyone on the team is required. Just as it is also important not to be judgmental, it is also essential to overcome shyness or insecurity.

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What tools to use in the Ideation phase?

Coming up with ideas isn't always a simple process. But there are some tools and dynamics that help in creating ideas and solutions.

In this sense, it is important to make it clear that there is no correct process or tool for this step. In fact, it is necessary Analyze the context of the team to define the best dynamics and tool. Understand who the team members are and what they are like, in addition to analyzing the weather and schedule for the day.

In this way, we will explain a simpler and more common tool, which can be used in different contexts: Or Crazy 8.

How to use Crazy 8 to create ideas?

Crazy 8 is a type of tool/dynamic that is widely used in Design Sprint processes. It's simple and doesn't require a lot of resources to apply. All you need is pen and paper.

Each team member must have a sheet of paper and must divide it into 8 parts. Then they must draw on each of these parts a Solution idea for the Design Sprint problem.

It's important Set a time for the design of the 8 ideas. 1-2 minutes is enough. The proposal is to stress with a short time so that people put everything that comes to their minds, without a filter.

Then, each member Present for the rest of the team all the ideas they put on paper. We emphasize that this is not yet the voting phase for the idea, so ideas must be shared without judgment or criticism.

After that first round, each participant Choose the best idea of the 8 who designed and develops it better. Here, it's important describe the context of the solution, the experience and what is the final result of the idea.

Soon after the best idea has been detailed, another round of presentation is held for everyone on the team. The point of this round is for each participant to defend their idea with a Pitch.

2nd step: voting

After presenting the ideas, the next step is to choose. For this reason, the most common method used is the most democratic: the voting.

In addition, so that people do not feel pressured or inclined to vote on an idea, it is recommended that the vote be secretive. That way, participants are more comfortable voting without being influenced by external factors.

It is also important to note that not necessarily each participant is entitled to just 1 vote. The process may define that each participant can vote for the 3 or 5 best ideas presented.

Although it is a simple process, it is important during the vote to always make clear what the purpose of the Design Sprint is and what problem to be solved. In this way, the team understands the importance of Vote seriously and not just pick a random idea.

Additionally, voting doesn't have to choose a complete solution. But one Gathered up of ideas different ones that can converge in a more stout. Of course, for this, the ideas chosen must talk to each other.

Since voting is the choice of several related ideas, it is possible to several rounds of voting. As ideas are selected, participants can come together and create a complete solution, considering those ideas. If there is more than one solution, there is another voting process, and so on, until only one idea remains.

The Stakeholder wants his idea to be chosen, without a vote. What to do?

It's quite common for stakeholders to do it right pressure so that his idea can be chosen without a vote. And in this scenario, his idea may not yet be based on research or facts. It might just be a question staffing.

If this occurs, it is worth Talk to him, show the research, arguments, and facts to convince him that his idea may not be the best path.

In addition, it is worth explaining that the Design Sprint process is not just about finding and validating a solution. But it is also good for invalidating ideas.

The Design Sprint facilitator must make it clear to the stakeholder that DS is something collaborative and that building the solution is something that must be done in set.

Of course, this conversation should be carried out with plenty prudence And without Impositions. At the end of the day, the stakeholder may not be convinced and the team may have to dedicate themselves to their idea.

As frustrating as this is a bit, remember that you will participate in other Design Sprints and that sometimes, in the corporate world, we will have to accept the decisions that come from above. So don't let yourself be shaken if this occurs.

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What is the best tool for voting?

To carry out the voting process, the stickers and Post-its they are quite efficient and simple.

However, if the project is being done remotely or to facilitate secret voting, it is possible to use some software to help.

O Mural App it's an excellent tool to facilitate your voting process. With it, you can cast a secret ballot and choose how many votes each participant is entitled to.

What are the main mistakes on sketching day?

Although it seems like a simpler day, the second day of the Design Sprint is not safe from errors.

In this sense, we have listed below the main errors that must be avoided in the Sketch stage.

  • Attachment to ideas: it's very common for people to get attached to their own ideas. It is important to make it clear, therefore, that the Design Sprint process aims at working on set And the collaboration. The idea is of the group and not just of an individual;
  • Dispersion of the group: as this phase has many dynamics, it is common for the group to be dispersed during them. It is up to the facilitator to always reinforce the importance of the process and of focus at work;
  • Poor conflict management: the creation and choice of ideas within a group can lead to conflicts. Whats normal. However, it is the role of the facilitator not to allow these conflicts to worsen and wear down the group;
  • timidity: exposing ideas and putting them to the vote is a process that can hassle the shyest and most insecure people. However, all members must participate in the process. A lack of ideas can be crucial to the progress of the project. Therefore, it is necessary to make it clear to people that the environment is safe and non-judgmental, so that they can overcome shyness.

End of the second day of Design Sprint

We have reached the end of the second day of the Design Sprint and with this article we hope that you will be able to experience in practice what the Ideation and Voting process is like.

Don't forget that the whole process takes 5 days! So follow the next step in the article:

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