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15 Years of Double Diamond and Its Importance in UX Design

Felipe Guimaraes and Aela Team
May 5, 2021
minutes of reading
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What is Double Diamond?

Find the best solution to our problems, be they of design or not, involves fears, doubts, expectations, in addition to decision-making anxiety.

What if there was a path that would make this more agile and lighter process?

For this reason, the so-called methodology was created Double Diamond, in 2004. She proposes a different and creative model for resolution of any problem, in any type of company.

Thus, this methodology basically consists of Diverging and converging ideas, which guarantees a deeper and more complete assessment of a greater number of possibilities. In other words, through Double Diamond it is possible to arrive at more assertive solutions, with a greater degree of trust.

Double Diamond is not a cake recipe

The creators of Double Diamond belong to Council of the UK Design Council — non-profit institution in the United Kingdom that advocates great design that improves lives and objects.

Therefore, at the base of the Design Council is the Double Diamond, which begins with the complete immersion in a given problem, starting not only from observation, but from the experience itself about what one seeks to understand and study with the objective of finding a true solution and not a palliative measure.

Thus, consisting of four phases, Double Diamond is not a cake recipe: it is a flexible and adaptable model for any area and need. Depending, then, on the professional to adapt it to your context and needs.

The Double Diamond methodology can be applied both to the development of UX Design projects and to solve turnover problems in companies, for example. The contexts may be different, but the objective remains the same: find a real and assertive solution to a problem.

What is the ideal environment for Double Diamond?

Thus, to apply this methodology, a different work culture must be developed so that the proposed solutions deliver the expected value.

AND What culture is this?

A leadership culture that involves, engages, and gives space to experimentation and constant learning. People need to feel comfortable enough to disagree, agree, and state their opinions as clearly as possible.

Walking along with that culture is engagement. The development of connections and relationships is as important as the development of ideas.. So, the ideal is to also involve other people who, even if they are not actively participating in the process, can collaborate and help build the solution.

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The importance of Double Diamond in UX Design

Have you ever stopped to think about why you prefer to go to restaurant A and not to restaurant B? Or why do you prefer to order food on the X app and not on Y? What would be the real reasons that lead you to make those choices?

A solution for any need needs to be consistent and deliver value, so that it makes the user order food on app X not just because app Y doesn't work.

When a team of UX Design uses Double Diamond, proposing to evaluate and study each possibility, what one has of The result is solutions that respond effectively to the needs of users. Because they will explore in a very broad way the various problems to be solved and will take into account as many variables as possible.

Double Diamond is 15 years old

Double Diamond, with 15 years and millions of hits on Google, comes to tell everyone that design isn't just about designing something visually appealing.

In that time, the Design Council team revised and remodeled Double Diamond, resulting in the creation of 4 phases: discover, define, develop, and deliver.

But even after 15 years, Double Diamond is still nonlinear and flexible.

The model can be applied from a small shoe store in the city center to large multinational technology companies.

Beyond developing products, Double Diamond brings design in a visible and clear way, fulfilling its main role:

  • Develop solutions for the needs of its users and, as a consequence, have a positive impact on their lives.
Reading Tip: What Is Design Thinking and How to Apply It to Your Projects?

Basic principles of design and Double Diamond

At the heart of Double Diamond are 4 basic design principles, which must be at the core of those who use this methodology. They are:

1) People first

Always! Double Diamond is developed by people for people. The concept of empathy should be used as a mantra by all those who are building transformative solutions. Start by understanding the people who use the product or service, their needs and desires.

2) Clear and objective communication

Put yourself in people's shoes and understand that not everyone understands things the same way you do. Here, the concept of empathy is also present, but with the team involved in the project.

People need to be comfortable to express their opinions and ideas clearly, with the certainty that they will be heard and welcomed.

Without this freedom, creativity is plastered and obstacles are created for the development of the project.

3) Collaboratestock

Do it and redo it as many times as necessary. Take ownership of all those who can contribute to building the solution, even if they are not directly affected by it.

Evaluating a solution through the eyes of other people is very important for the project. We'll talk about that later.

4) Fearless iteration and as many times as possible required

Always test. The closer to the actual solution the test is, the lower the likelihood of errors. Then, seek feedback and refine the solutions, bringing them closer and closer to the final objective.

There will always be space for tests, respecting the possibilities and resources available to carry them out.

Also remember that testing is always better than not testing. Even if you don't feel safe, test.

Having recalled the principles of Design, let's return to Double Diamond and discover the main phases and how to use this methodology.

How to use Double Diamond?

Before starting, it's important to talk about Role of the transformative leader, who will be responsible for the team's engagement during the application of the methodology.

There will be several moments when all of you will have to “go back to the beginning”. At that time, the team captain comes into action, whose mission is to keep the team motivated, always seeking to learn the best lessons from every situation.

Another important mission of leaders is feedbacks. After all, the team needs to know if it's rowing in the right direction.

Finally, the team must be exposed to true facilitating conditions; there's no use talking “everyone here has freedom”, if they don't feel the environment is right for it.

With that said, let's begin to understand how to actually apply Double Diamond.

Basically, the Design Council's Double Diamond consists of exploring a broader issue, what we call “divergent thinking” (the diamond opening) and then focus on more targeted actions, what we call “convergent thinking” (the diamond shutting).

Even though it is represented by two diamonds, Double Diamond is not a linear process, and during its use, there may be several rounds of converging and diverging thoughts. This is one of the factors that makes the methodology applied to various contexts.

The Double Diamond development process consists of 4 phases:

  1. Discover;
  2. Define;
  3. Develop;
  4. Deliver.

Phase 1: Discoveries

It's time to generate the as many ideas as possible. Here, quantity is more important than quality. That way, don't let anyone on the team judge or scold any idea. At this time the maximum is raise as many problems as possible. And then, only in the next phase, evaluate those ideas.

Our brain is not capable of producing many ideas and judging them at the same time. So let him just work, at this stage, on raising problems.

Seek to know, in the deepest way, the problem, rather than simply assuming that it exists. Make sure you pick them up real problems, the profound needs, and not just the symptoms.

Double Diamond Phase 1: Discovery

To generate as many ideas as possible, the environment must be conducive to this. So organization is also important.

The space must be comfortable and reserved for development, so that it stimulates creativity. This helps the team to express ideas, fears, and opinions. If possible, even walls should be available for use.

Once the space has been organized, we now move on to observation.

The team must be encouraged to observe and record everything, with photos, videos, and notes. They must bear in mind that nothing should go unnoticed by their eyes.

Long live the user experience. Transform yourself into it. Or, at least, very close to him.

Feel this experience for as long as you think it is necessary and the analysis of the samples will be more fluid.

End this phase with a brainstorming. Remember: ideas must be listened to carefully, without any kind of judgment.

Reading Tip: Brainstorming - Techniques to Unlock Your Ideas

Phase 2: Definitions

Here, the first diamond closes. It's time to group the ideas together and answer the question: What problem are we going to solve?

Double Diamond Phase 2: Definition

The purpose of this phase is find the main challenge of the project. That is to say, what needs to be solved or which problem will be solved first.

Try to raise the motive that is driving everyone who is there to find a solution: why are they doing that? What do they intend to solve? What do you want to improve?

Find out where you want to go. Or, at least, where not they want to arrive.

Bring people together and listen to them freely. Study at user journey and their motivations. What makes it go to path B and not to path C?

The team must choose a path. Even if, in the middle of it, she must return. Don't forget that Double Diamond is not linear.

Phase 3: Development

Hand in the dough!

Here, it is the second diamond that opens with the development of possible solutions to the problems that were raised. It is only at the end of this stage that the possibilities should be evaluated to find the most appropriate solution.

Double Diamond Phase 3: Develop

To do this, find out what are the people and what scenarios they find themselves in.

The team must always be aware of the number of scenarios created: the ideal is to concentrate on 3 or 4, at most.

At this stage, the prototypes must already be developed and the tests started. And pay attention to the fidelity of the testers: whenever possible, Os tests must be performed with real users. That is, people who will actually have contact with that product/service.

Reading Tip: How to Create Personas for UX Design Projects?

Phase 4: Delivery

The time has come to deliver and complete the Double Diamond cycle in the project. Or not!

As already mentioned, the Double Diamond process is not linear and can start over and over again, seeking continuous improvement.

This phase consists of carrying out tests on the solutions that have been developed so far, in an attempt to deliver the best solution that was found at that time.

Double Diamond Phase 4: Delivery

In this phase the tests are still very important. Test, regardless of the number of users.

Always remember that Testing is always better than not testing.


It goes without saying that the feedback it's something that should be part of this whole process. Perceptions must be heard, even if no one agrees with them.

It is through feedback that bottlenecks are found that can be improved. And remembering that the team needs to feel free both to provide feedback and to receive it.

In addition, continue to document everything, saving drawings, doodles, photos, videos, all the material that was constructed in the process. Because it is very likely that you will use this material when you return to a diamond phase to seek improvements in your project.

Why use Double Diamond in UX Design?

The Double Diamond methodology seeks to go deeper into the problem, considering the greatest number of possibilities and placing participants in complete immersion, making it appear more complete, long-lasting solutions and often much faster than you can imagine.

Using Double Diamond allows you to create projects that truly solve problems for your users.

This methodology allows free creation, guided only by the principles of converging and diverging ideas, and resulting in solutions that deliver value.

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