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3 steps. 6-figures. thriving career
User Experience

The Game Market for UX Design

Felipe Guimarães
Apr 27, 2021
minutes of reading
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I don't know about you, but I've been a card gamer since I was a kid. At about 9 or 10 years old, I remember spending hours and hours playing. Full Throttle with my uncle, on a 486 super computer (Don't you know what it is? Play it on Google and you'll see how powerful this computer was lol, at least it was a lot at the time!).

Since then I've never stopped. I played the first ones MMORPG on the computer; for some years I was playing daily Ultima Online (where I even had my first contact and learning with programming); and, of course, I had the pleasure of playing on various consoles, since Atari Until Xbox Series X, My current one.

So, if you're like me, you like games a lot and you're already a professional of UX or are you getting ready to enter the area, I ask you: How much have you stopped to observe about the gaming experience that you spent hours and more hours playing? If you haven't done so yet, I strongly recommend that you start paying more attention to this!

Mobile games

Is playing an MMORPG on an iPhone the same experience as playing on a PS4 or a PC? Of course not!

If you're finding it weird I comment on UX Design for RPG games online on the cell phone, take a look at the interface of Lineage 2: Revolution, a game that is currently very successful in the world. And you can install it on your IPhone or Android.

Lineage 2: Revolution

Take a good look at this image, look at how many elements of interfacing the user needs to pay attention.

It already seems like a lot if we think of a PC game, doesn't it? But on the PC, the user is already used to having a thousand things, paying attention to various shortcut keys, especially in online role-playing games. But let me remind you that this screen is from a MOBILE!

Let's check what the screen of an ongoing battle looks like. Something quite natural for this type of game, right?

Lineage 2: Revolution

When looking at this image, our first impression may be something like: A LOT! SURREAL!

But the truth is that this game is only growing and the players are increasingly satisfied. Even when fighting battles for mobile, transforming your fingers and touch into a complex control for the game.

Reading Tip: UX Design in Games - How to Improve the Player Experience

What is the importance of UX Design for games?

It's quite common for game companies to assemble a team of UX design with only the UI part in mind, which in this case, is very graphic and with several elements.

This doesn't happen exclusively in product areas, and I venture to say that with games this is a bit more complicated, as the super graphics attract attention and are very important. Therefore, I believe that this is the reason why several companies advertise vacancies for UX Designers, with the expectation of actually hiring a designer who will take care of every visual of the interface.

What is the difference between a UX for Games?

The big issue is, unlike a Bank app, that even if you have a poor UX, you'll still do it Enough effort to be able to use an operation, because you need that service. That won't happen with a game.

In the case of a bank website or app, we are talking about something very serious and of very high importance, and that you have to make that bank transfer and you will not delete the app and change banks instantly just because the app's UX is bad. (Yes, you may leave the bank because this is repeated at various times, but it will take a few months or even years for that to happen, right?).

This is the main differential of the gaming area, and of User experience for games. If the game has a frustrating experience, you will most likely close it (possibly delete it, if it's an app on your phone) and for you to reopen it, giving the product a second chance. In general, something must happen, such as:

  • Some very strong marketing campaign that caught your attention and made you rethink;
  • A friend of yours is playing and told you how much fun they are having with the game.

Well, in the gaming industry, the keyword is diversion. And for that to happen, the player experience must be optimum.

Of course, business objectives must also be placed on the scale (look at me here, again, Speaking on the business side), or the company that made the game will go bankrupt and the game will be discontinued.

I recommend that you watch this lecture by Ellie Moon, UX Director at Kabam, responsible for the mobile game Marvel: Contest of Champions.

Reading Tip: Horror Games: How to Use UX and UI to Terrify?

Interesting links for reading

If you are interested in the area of UX design for games, I will leave here a few links very relevant for reading.

Remember that, even though it is an area with little space in the Brazilian labor market, if this is the path you want to follow, there is a lot of space in the market international.

Initially, this market is dominated by United States and Canada, but also with some growth in European countries (I myself had the chance to talk to an AAA Game company here in Prague recently, but I ended up choosing not to follow the path in that area).

In addition, follow the link to 3 books that seem to be very cool for those interested in the area:

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