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3 steps. 6-figures. thriving career

7 Tips for You to Become an International Designer

Felipe Guimaraes and Aela Team
Apr 19, 2021
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Those who have searched for international opportunities as a UX Designer have certainly found one large number of vacancies.

Working internationally ceased to be seen as something impossible And more and more people are Adventuring in foreign lands. With the internet, it is also possible to work for international clients without even leaving Brazil. But of course, companies are also looking for professionals who can be physically located in their home countries.

If you are determined to explore the international but are not sure what to do yet, check out the following 7 tips for you to become an International Designer.

1) Study, speak, listen, and breathe English

Of course, if you think about working internationally, it's a obligation know how to speak English.

If you're not fluent in the language, don't let that discourage you. Nowadays there are online courses English courses are much cheaper than a face-to-face course at a traditional school.

And the best way to learn and improve English is to do a soaking in the language. But how to immerse yourself in Brazil?

see series and movies; Listen tunes and podcasts; Read articles and texts, all in English. This will help you master the language better. Look for courses whose proposal is talk with foreign people. O Italki, for example, sets you up to talk to people whose native language is English.

But to become an international UX Designer, It's not enough just to learn to speak English. It is also necessary translate all your information. Your resume, your portfolio, your profile on LinkedIn, etc.

The best opportunities in the area of UX Design require the professional to be fluent in English, even if the vacancy is to work in Brazil.

Therefore, having mastery of this language will open several doors for you as a UX Designer. Whether in the domestic market for the best companies, in remote work opportunities for foreign companies, or allocated to the international market.

2) Build a UX Design portfolio

Even if you're starting out and Don't have any real projects yet to compose your portfolio, no problem.

Many students from Bootcamp MID They used the Exercises from the course itself to build their portfolio and were able to be admitted to great companies.

Therefore, use whatever is available, as long as it is of quality and that it helps you show that you have mastered the subject.

Oh, don't forget! It's important that your portfolio is also in Englishman.

Reading Tip: 6 Essential Tips for Building Your UX Design Portfolio

3) Build networking

Establishing good contacts and networking is a fundamental approach to obtaining more opportunities, both nationally and internationally.

With LinkedIn, for example, it is easier to get in touch with people from all over the world and from various companies, in addition to finding job opportunities.

In addition, you can also register on freelance job sites, which have Jobs with international clients.

Then, create profiles and register on these sites, participate in forums and communities, use social media. Expose yourself.

Networking it is very important to be able to connect with companies, people and opportunities around the world.

Reading Tip: LinkedIn for Designers — Tips for Improving Your Profile

4) Make a plan

Pursuing an international career requires think in several factors, such as:

  • What is the best country to live or work in?
  • How do visas work?
  • What are the labor laws?
  • How do salaries and benefits work?
  • What is the cost of living?

Assemble a plane and anticipating these factors will make it possible for you to organize to know what has to be done.

Additionally, when putting together your plan, it's important to think about some deeper issues:

  • What are your motivations and objectives?
  • Where do you want to go?
  • What is your purpose?

Most of the answers to these questions, of course, will be polished as you walk your path, through experience and maturity. Still, it's important to think about them when you're putting together your plan, as they help to direct your actions and tasks.

5) Get out of the comfort zone and don't give up

Most of the time, what exists between assembling and executing the plan is the insecurity.

We feel afraid and start thinking about everything that could go wrong. Even more so when there is a Possibility to leave the country.

This feeling is normal, but remember: Nothing is impossible. Being determined and taking the courage to pursue your dreams is very important!

It is common for people to think that only those who have a European passport or who are sponsored by a company can work outside the country.

However, our mentor Felipe Melo Guimarães proved that's not true. Felipe has no foreign descent and did not need to have his visa backed by a company. And yet, today, she lives and works as a Product Designer in Europe.

Ele Didn't give up faced an obstacle and sought creative solutions for Bypass it. He persisted and managed to achieve his dream of working with UX outside Brazil.

Therefore, Put together your plan, seek to know the opportunities, alternatives, risks, and paths that you can follow and don't be afraid. Go deep! The experience of living in another country and acting as a UX Designer in large companies is priceless!

Reading Tip: 11 Fears That Prevent You from Migrating to UX Design

6) Be flexible and adapt

As in any profession, UX Design also requires the need to be flexible and adaptable. The world and the market are constantly changing. Especially in the area of technology.

Brazil, although it has a strong digital market, is still lagging behind in the face of some trends and innovations. If the idea is to become an international UX professional, it is essential to always be Antebrate to what happens in the market in other countries.

With that in mind, always be upgraded. Adapt your steps as changes take place and Learn in practice. Many people can be attached to what they learned in books, but Don't let theory become your halter. Be open to new possibilities. Constantly adapting makes transitions smoother.

7) Don't stop consuming content

The ease with which information and content are constructed and disseminated is great. In addition, there are blogs and platforms that provide free and quality content.

We are at a time when we are able to learn various subjects online. And her own Aela has that objective. From transmit the greatest amount of knowledge and content at various levels.

We have our channel on YouTube, our podcasts and our blog that contains content from quality and free. And for those who want invest in an immersion in the world of UX/UI, we have our Bootcamp Master Interface Design.

Don't stop learning, researching, chasing news, this will surely make a difference to your career, whether international or not.

Becoming an International Designer may require a lot of dedication and effort, but It's not impossible. Remember these tips when you decide to take your design career to an international level, we are sure they will be very useful for your endeavor.

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