3 steps. 6-figures. thriving career
3 steps. 6-figures. thriving career

11 Reasons that Make the MID an Incredible UX/Product Design Program

Felipe Guimaraes and Aela Team
Mar 17, 2021
minutes of reading
Table of Content

At the MID program, we have a very clear mission: to help anyone who is truly passionate about becoming a prominent professional in Product and UX Design. With this objective in mind, we created the Mastering Interface Design program after observing that the Brazilian market lacked a complete course in UX/UI Design.

Since then, our program has helped countless individuals achieve their dreams of transitioning into the exciting field of UX Design. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your career to the next level, we provide you with the necessary knowledge, practice, and guidance to succeed.

So if you’re ready to take that next step and become a standout in the field of Product and UX Design, keep reading to discover why the MID program is the perfect choice for you!

We’re excited to help you achieve your career goals and become a part of our community of successful UX Design professionals.

1) Mentors with an international career and NN/g certification

At the MID program, we have assembled a team of exceptional mentors who are not only highly skilled in Product Design but also have an international career and NN/g certification. Our mentors work for some of the biggest companies in the field.

One of our standout mentors is Felipe Melo Guimarães, the founder of Aela and the creator of MID. With extensive experience in UX/Product Design processes, UI Design, leadership, team management, and recruitment, our mentors are equipped to guide you through the program and help you achieve your career goals.

As a MID student, you will have the opportunity to learn from these experienced professionals who are committed to sharing their knowledge and expertise with you. They will provide you with valuable feedback and guidance throughout the program, giving you the tools you need to succeed in the field of UX Design.

We believe that having access to top-notch mentors is key to your success, and we take pride in offering this to our students.

Reading tip: Redesign: Adding Case Studies to Your UX Portfolio

2) Practical projects to build your UX Design portfolio

At the MID, we focus on practical learning with projects that will help you build a strong UX Design portfolio. As a Product Designer, you need to master concepts and theories, even those outside of the design field. However, practical skills are equally important.

That’s why MID places a great emphasis on practical exercises in addition to essential theoretical concepts. Our program consists of 11 levels that can be updated, with each level including both theoretical and practical components in the form of projects and exercises.

Our mentors evaluate each project and provide individual feedback to ensure continuous improvement throughout the learning process. It’s worth noting that only those who pass the project evaluation can move on to the next level.

The exercises are designed to be of such high quality that they can be included in your UX Design portfolio. In fact, many of our students have used their course projects to create their first portfolios and showcase their work in job interviews.

Join the MID today and take advantage of the opportunity to gain practical experience while building a portfolio that showcases your UX Design skills!

3) Focus on the international market

At the MID program, we focus on the international market for Product Design.

UX is experiencing exponential growth, with a projection from NN/g suggesting that by 2050, around 100 million people will be working in this profession.

Even with the 2020 pandemic, the UX Design market continues to grow rapidly. This is because companies had to digitize their products and services during this period, making them realize the importance of UX in their strategy and processes.

The MID program was designed to prepare students to become active UX Design professionals both in Brazil and internationally. During the course, our mentors provide important tips and steps for students to achieve internationalization if that is their goal. Additionally, our community of students shares networking opportunities and job postings.

As a result, many of our students are able to land their first job with just a short period of study, both for national and international companies. Check out this interview with our alumni:

4) Enhance your networking through an exclusive community

Our MID students have access to an exclusive community where they can connect with one another, share experiences, and learn about job opportunities in UX.

It’s a great place to network and stay up-to-date with industry developments. Additionally, students can ask questions and communicate directly with the course mentors. Being a part of this community is one of the many benefits of being a MID student. Here are a few testimonials from our students:

“Regarding the MID, the community was the most important thing for me. Being able to talk to people who are living that dream with you and being able to hear their experiences. That makes all the difference.” – Maria Resende

“I think what matters the most in the MID program is the community. I experienced many situations where I was frustrated with the industry, and I realized there were people there in similar scenarios, and we talked about how to solve those problems.”Daiane Thomé

“Something very interesting that we had in the MID was becoming partners with other Bootcamp students, meaning having someone to discuss our doubts, difficulties, and projects development with.” – Juliana Nieri

Moreover, it is common for students who already work in the UX industry to recruit other students who are looking for job opportunities by sharing these positions within the community. This shows the strength and importance of being part of a group like this.

Reading tip: Check the interviews with our students

5) Quick Results

The MID content is extremely focused and efficient. Mixing theory with practice makes learning faster and more effective.

Of course, the learning speed depends a lot on each person’s dedication and the availability of study time.

However, we are very happy to say that many students achieve quick results and make the transition to UX Design in record time.

” – Thiago Alves “[…] I stayed for approximately 8 months, from when I left my job until I got the position as UX Designer at MJV.” – Alexandre Borges

“I joined the course in December 2018… In March, I left Netshoes and in April I started working at this new job. It ended up being quick, in less than 6 months I was able to transition to UX.” – Diogo Alvarez

“I saw the Master Interface Design (MID) program ad in August 2018 and started the course at the same time, probably at the end of the month. I got my current job in seven months! Thiago Alves

“[…] I stayed for approximately 8 months, from when I left my job until I got the position as UX Designer at MJV.” – Alexandre Borges

6) The course is online and students set their own schedule

The MID’s flexible scheduling is another advantage we offer our students. The course is 100% online and uses a platform that facilitates learning. It includes video lessons, interviews with professionals, supplementary texts, mentoring, and monthly live classes with project feedback.

The course can be adapted to suit the student’s individual needs and schedule thanks to its online format.

Of course, what matters most is not how quickly the course is completed but how much learning and knowledge the students can absorb and apply in the practical projects proposed at each level.

7) There’s no need for a design background

A question that may arise while reading this article is: I don’t have a design background, can I still take the course?

The answer is simple: yes!

Many of our students didn’t have a design background, took the course, were able to switch careers, and now work as UX Designers.

The backgrounds of our students are quite diverse: Business Administration, Advertising, Psychology, Law, Customer Service, etc.

Check out some interviews with students who came from different industries:

Therefore, not having a background in design is not a hindrance to taking the course, and even less so to transition to UX.

In fact, not having a background in design can actually be positive. A survey conducted by InVision showed that companies are looking for Product Designers with different backgrounds precisely because of their experience in other areas.

2019 Product Design Hiring Report by InVision

Reading tip: How I Landed My First UX Design Role – Interview With Master Interface Design Students

8) Regular updates with the latest tools and market trends

As UX Design is a technology field, the industry is always full of surprises and new developments.

The MID provides up-to-date content that reflects the latest trends and practices in UX Design, which is critical in a constantly evolving market.

This sets it apart from traditional college courses, where the curriculum can quickly become outdated.

Currently, the MID offers 11 levels, and we continuously adapt or add new modules based on the feedback and needs of our students.

9) A complete course from scratch

The Mastering Interface Design is a UX and Product Design Certification Program. You will go through all the levels starting from absolute zero.

The program levels currently include:

Phase 1: On the way to the Job Market

  • Introduction to Product Design
  • User Interface for Web
  • User Experience, Research, and Strategy
  • Responsive Interface and Design System
  • Facing the Job Market

Phase 2: Professional Evolution

  • Communication and Feedback
  • Mobile Design for iPhone
  • Mobile Design for Android

Phase 3: Extra Mastery

  • Design for Apple TV
  • IoT: Internet of Things

Therefore, there is no reason for concern if you are a beginner in UX Design. The MID will turn you into an international professional starting from scratch!

10) Mentoring

Our MID has a mentorship dynamic in 4 formats:

  1. Individual: students have constant support through the study platform, written feedback from teachers, and correction of exercises proposed in each level until final approval. The approval of each module only happens when the exercise is suitable (accepted) for that level;
  2. Live Classes: happens in groups at least once per month. In these classes, students individually present their exercises/projects simulating a job interview portfolio presentation and receive feedback from both the mentor and their peers;
  3. Coffee Time with Mentor: group mentoring to talk to a mentor about any study or career-related doubts. These meetings happens monthly;
  4. Student Community: students and mentors interact, asking questions and sharing high-level content and job opportunities.

Mentorship is an invaluable aspect of the learning process, as it provides personalized guidance and feedback to help students grow and improve their skills.

By receiving constructive criticism and advice from experienced mentors, students can more effectively absorb and apply the knowledge learned in the course. This support is essential in helping students overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Testimonials from students about the MID mentorship:

“The live mentorship classes with the MID teachers were essential for me to learn how to develop a line of reasoning that goes from problem identification to a solution. In fact, I not only learned how to develop this reasoning, but also how to present it to others.” – Diego Crovador

“The mentoring (from the MID) made all the difference for me. It’s very important to receive feedback on what I’m doing right or wrong, and how I can improve. I also found the interviews with professionals that you do here very important. It helped open my mind.” – Amanda Damasceno

“The methodology of the MID and the mentoring were very important for me. They opened my mind to new possibilities, and that was essential for my development. I had a limited mindset to Graphic Design, but the mentor’s guidance expanded my vision a lot.” – Bárbara Niriz

Reading tip: Student Testimonials: What Do They Say About The MID program?

The Mastering Interface Design is a complete program that will help you transition to UX Design. We are confident that with dedication, you will be able to successfully transition to UX Design. Best of luck!

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