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3 steps. 6-figures. thriving career

My 2nd Chance in Europe — Interview with Israel Mesquita

Felipe Guimaraes and Aela Team
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Israel was a Graphic Designer when the MID Bootcamp began. At 6 months old, still at level 1, he obtained his first international position in UX, in Portugal. After two years, he felt the need to live in another country, get to know another culture and learn a new language.

Before that, he had been an engineer, chemist, and even an army soldier.

Today, Israel continues to evolve its career, lives in Austria and already works in another company, MySugr. Continue reading and see all the tips he leaves, for those who wish to migrate to the area and work in an international company.

Watch the first interview from Israel here.

Israel, tell me a little about yourself

First of all, I want to say that it is a pleasure to be interviewed by you again, 2 years after my first interview in which I told you a little about how I got my first international position as a Junior Designer at Seedrs.

I am a native of Rio de Janeiro, 30 years old and I began to have my first contact with graphic design when I studied at UFRJ - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. At that time, while still a student, I was doing some freelance work to support myself during the course.

After graduating, I worked in several companies as a Full Graphic Designer and Web Designer. Until I discovered that I wanted to focus on user experience. It was something that I really liked because I had closer contact with people. I was interested in understanding them to solve their problems and needs. In addition, I noticed that the Market for UX Designers was much more interesting.

So I started researching how I could migrate to the UX Design area and discovered Aela's MID Bootcamp.

How did you get to Portugal?

I already had Portuguese citizenship and, because of that, I took the opportunity and moved to Portugal to do a master's degree in Design Management. Along with him, I was studying the MID Bootcamp.

I realized that I could study all of this and work at the same time! I took courage and started applying for vacancies, until I was called by Seedrs. There, it was my first experience with UX Design, where I spent two years.

Portfólio UX Israel Mesquita
Israel Mesquita Portfolio

How is the market for UX Designers in Portugal?

Today, Portugal is a hub of opportunities in UX Design. Especially in the cities of Lisbon and Porto. There, there are international companies that recruit people to work at their headquarters, as well as local companies and agencies that develop products.

Portugal is the “European dream” of many people, both in terms of climate and language. In this way, the country ends up attracting professionals from all over the world.

This may be one of the factors why many companies are setting up shop in Portugal.

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How did you get your 2nd position in UX Design, now in Austria?

First, I I was not afraid to “burn cartridges” and apply for new vacancies. I even applied for more than 100 vacancies, more or less.

I would like to work at Seedrs, but I felt a greater need to live elsewhere in Europe. I wanted to get to know another culture different from Brazil and also learn a new language.

Not even my resume, portfolio and LinkedIn they were perfect, but I knew that it was possible to get better every day.

So I started looking for Junior Product Designer jobs on LinkedIn. Well, I believe that this way it is easier to get a vacancy, since I had only 2 years of experience in UX Design.

Also, I'm not in a hurry to become a Senior. What I really seek is to grow as a professional, to have a good life and a more relaxed path.

With a junior salary, here in Europe, you can live well and have a comfortable life. I believe that much of the rush to get a high position in the portfolio, which is very common in Brazil, occurs because of a wilder market that often offers lower salaries.

So I started applying to several countries, giving priority to London. But I was also looking at other places in Europe. My interest was also in a country with a different language, but that English was the main language in the company.

Thus, as I have always been engaged in social causes, I sought out companies in this regard. Until it appeared the MySugr, in Austria.

I have a friend who lives in Vienna and I talked to him a lot about the city. I even discovered that Vienna won, for the 10th year in a row, the title of the best city to live in in the world.

In short, here It's a place where you don't have to worry about anything related to infrastructure, just about your life and the things you like to do.

The MySugr login process was a bit slower. Tive 3 remote interviews Until they called me to visit the company's headquarters. So I spoke to them and asked to spend a few more days in the city. I took the opportunity to stay at my friend's house and learn more about everything here.

Two weeks later, I received the good news that I was approved in the selection process. I asked them for two months: one to comply with my notice at Seedrs and the other to learn more about the city. That's what I did and I've been here since December 2019.

Portfólio UX Israel Mesquita
Israel Mesquita Portfolio

How is your job at the new company?

It's been a very incredible and different experience. The second experience is actually quite different from when you arrive at a completely “raw and green” company. That is, without knowing exactly what to study and what to do. Desperation can take hold.

MySugr is a company focused on improving the lives of people with diabetes. There, I work as a Junior UX Designer, we use scrum and I work with a team that is more focused on the Web.

It's a quieter job. The people are very friendly. I am the second Brazilian in the company.

At the same time, I have contact with the Design team and we hold weekly meetings, showing what we do.

For the most important decisions, we make a Meeting with at least two other UX Designers, where we present the Concept review and we defend our idea. Everyone can give their opinion freely. We collect feedback and return to improve.

For simpler decisions, we can discuss with any other designer on the team, in a smaller meeting that we call a forum.

Our workstations are called base stations and we have several post it's on the wall. Thus, the entire Design team remains united, because we always have a sense of what each one is working on.

Reading Tip: Product Manager: - Business, Technology, and User Experience

How is the career development process in this new company?

I already have 4 months in the company, finishing my period of experience (on the date of this interview).

Every two weeks we have a meeting with the Head. When I turned 3 months old, he asked me what I would like to become and learn in the company. So I was honest and said that I I wanted to learn more UX App Design and that I was willing to participate in various projects. Because I want to absorb as much learning as possible as a junior.

Mine Head I also usually collect feedback from my work with the rest of the team.

Portfólio Israel Mesquita
Israel Mesquita Portfolio

What tips do you give to those who want to enter the UX Design area?

The first tip I give you is: study English. You must be at least good enough for an interview.

In other words, that doesn't mean you have to get everything right off the bat, but you can't be afraid to speak up and ask something you didn't understand. Well, in interviews this can even make you “choke”, due to lack of practice.

Also, another thing I would stress is patience and consistency. I recognize that one of my mistakes was the initial desperation and being super intense, with a giant portfolio.

In the beginning, this intensity of mine even helped me to dedicate myself a lot to my studies. But on the other hand, it was also very desperate, because I saw that I could not study everything I thought was necessary. Since the volume of information is enormous.

In addition, to be a great UX Designer you need more than studying UX. We have to study methodologies, a bit of psychology, marketing, business. In addition to being important to develop soft skills that will enhance you as a professional.

So, study time management and Read about stress. New things come out in the area all the time and you need to organize yourself to absorb it all without getting sick or anything like that.

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What tip would you give to Israel from 2 years ago?

I would tell Israel from two years ago to be calmer and more relaxed., because he would go wherever he wanted. And that I didn't have to run so much!

Meu greater learning was the issue of awareness to the detriment of intensity. For example, there's no use studying 8 hours a day if you can't be consistent.

So I would say, for that Israel, to seek balance and understand that mistakes will happen and people will not always welcome them. However, the most important thing is to be okay with ourselves and with our mistakes and, in this way, to move on.

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